Overview Marine mammal supplements
We have a broad assortment of supplements. To make it easier to compare these supplements we have made an overview. In this overview you will find all supplements that we offer for marine mammals. All brands have a different system of dosing:
Kasper Faunafood: The supplements of Kasper Faunafood have an extensive feeding advise on the data sheets of each supplement. This advice is formulated per category of body weight. To make it easier to compare we have converted this; on average this advise is equal to 1 tablet per 2,5 kg fish.
Mazuri: The Marine Mammal supplement of Mazuri is dosed as 1 tablet per 2,3 kg fish.
DK Zoological: The Fish Eater Liquid of DK Zoological is dosed as 1 ml per 1 kg fish.
In the first table (table 1) you will find an overview of the nutrients in each supplement. These are the nutritional additives per tablet. In table 2 you will find a converted overview of the nutritional additives per 1 kg fish (when feeding advice is followed).
Table 1 Nutritional additives per tablet

Table 2 Nutritional additives per 1 kg fish (when feeding advise is followed)
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