

New Technology Save the Rhino

In recent years, fewer rhinos have been poached in Namibia. This is mainly due to the hard work of the Save the Rhino team.

So how do rangers at SRT work to protect and monitor their rhinos? Collection of high-quality data on rhino movement, body condition and threats are one of their top priorities. Recently, the team shifted to the exclusive use of SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) devices to collect data. SMART devices are an innovative conservation management tool that enables rangers to collect and input data remotely while on patrol across the Conservancy. It’s certainly more efficient than paper records that could get damaged in the field.

This may seem like a simple technology upgrade; however, the use of these devices means that every remote camp must now have a reliable power source. Therefore, Save the Rhino Trust purchased four new, custom-built solar power systems. Solar systems provide much-needed electricity to SRT’s field camps, enabling rangers to charge the devices they use during their 20-day patrols. These custom-built systems have been specially designed to withstand the harsh, arid environment in the Kunene Region, as well as being tough enough to endure the bumpy trip from SRT’s field base to the respective patrol camps.

Adding new technology in the field is critical for rangers at SRT, acting as a force multiplier, meaning that rangers can protect more of the precious black rhinos that call Namibia home.

To find out more about the amazing work being carried out in Namibia, watch Q&A with Simson Uri-Khob, CEO of Save the Rhino Trust.


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